This short film follows Chilean mycologist Giuliana Furci’s search for new mushrooms in far southern Chile, on the main island of Tierra del Fuego. She’s joined by biologist and author Merlin Sheldrake and mycologist Toby Kiers from SPUN, the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks, whose goal is to map the mycorrhizal networks of the world. Together, the three scientists illuminate how—through nutrient cycling and the essential relationships they form with plants—fungi underpin every ecosystem on Earth, and outline a strategy for greater fungal inclusion in conservation policy.
Part of Wild Wonders Shorts Block
Monday 4/22 at 5:00pm
Wednesday 4/24 at 7:45pm
Buy TicketsPart of Award-Winning Shorts Block
Saturday 4/27 at 1:00pm
Saturday 4/27 at 3:00pm
Buy TicketsAbout
16 minutes
Director: Sam Sheline
Producer: Sam Sheline
Language: English
Country of Origin: USA
Winner – Short
Sustainable Planet